Friday 3 November 2017

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The trader can now buy back more dollars than they had to begin with, making a profit Stock traders will buy a stock if they think its price will rise in the future and sell a stock if they think its price will fall in the future A large international company may need to pay overseas employees Forex Rate Today In Colombia In forex, the exchange rate between two currencies constantly changes Currencies trade on an open market, just like stocks, bonds, computers, cars and many other goods and Important Stock Exchange In Europe Hello and welcome to CodeHill Make sure you visit Cronless, a free online cron and monitoring service Dans les rues du Marais, elle a pris d assaut l ensemble des vitrines de mode La longue robe folk, fleurie, carreaux ou dlicatement imprime, en soie ou en Strategy Forex On A Swap Rates AI is a huge field, and it s often hard to understand where to start learning If you ve done some programming, you ve probably learned something about When you do this, the exchange rate between the two currencies based on supply and demand-determines how many euros you get for your dollars Instead, these transactions are conducted by several market participants in several locations. Dans ce registre, la blouse victorienne, vue sur tous les Lire la suite Avec son volume parfait, sa bandoulire pratique, sa couleur carbone et ses finitions noeuds sur le devant, ce sac Isabel Marant n est-il pas l un des accessoires les plus dsirables Lire la suite Vous les sentez approcher Les vacances sont juste l, et cette anne on s organise un peu pour profiter sans stresser The forex market is the largest, most liquid market in the world with an average daily trading volume exceeding 5 trillion Forex Rate Today In Colombia Stock Exchange Suriname Nederlands There is no central ex change as it trades over the counter Forex Rate Today In Colombia Similarly, forex traders will buy a currency pair if they expect its exchange rate will rise in the future and sell a currency pair if they expect its exchange rate will fall in the future Imagine what that could do to the bottom line if, like in the example above, simply exchanging one currency for another costs you more depending on when you do it In both cases, you as a traveler or a business owner may want to hold your money until the exchange rate is more favorable What is Forex Forex is the market where all the world s currencies trade The forex market is the largest, most liquid market in the world with an average daily Take a trip to France and you convert your dollars into euros Unlike other markets, there is no centralized depository or exchange where transactions are conducted. 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FUTURE ANDHRA BANK Notes to Accounts.1 In terms of the Guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India RBI , the following disclosures are made.1 2 3 During the year, the Bank has shifted Central State Government securities aggregating Rs 0 00 crore Rs 1437 54 crore from Available for Sale AFS category Held for Trading HFT category to Held to Maturity HTM Category at lower of acquisition cost book value market value and booked a shifting loss of Rs 0 00 crore Rs 29 63 crore to Profit and Loss Account Bank also shifted Central State Government Securities aggregating to Rs 6602 73 crore Rs 819 67 crore from Held to Maturity HTM category to Available for Sale AFS category and booked a shifting loss of Rs 0 00 crore Rs 4 81 crore Bank also shifted investment of Rs 55 02 crore Rs 27 54 crore in Venture Capital funds from Held to Maturity HTM category to Available for Sale AFS category and provided a depreciation of Rs 3 84 Crore Rs 1 05 Crore.1 2 4 The Bank has earned gross amount of Rs 74 59 crore Rs 154 33 crore as Profit on Sale of Securities in HTM category out of which an amount of Rs 36 58 crore Rs 76 40 crore , net of tax and amount required to be transferred to Statutory Reserve, has been a ppropriated to Capital Reserve account as per RBI guidelines.1 3 3 Disclosures on risk exposure in derivatives. A Qualitative Disclosures. a Structure and Organization for Management of risk in derivatives trading. i In terms of Reserve Bank of India guidelines on Interest Rate Swaps IRS and Forward Rate Agreements FRA the Bank has approved policies and procedures, counter party exposure limits, delegation of powers, accounting policy, policy for valuation, ISDA documentation, cut loss, reporting etc for Interest Rate Swaps and fixed a cap of Rs 1500 crore for interest rate swaps sub-limit of Rs 500 crore for Trading Book Bank has conducted the derivative operations within the overall framework of these guidelines. ii The Bank has approved policies and procedures, counter party exposure limits, delegation of powers, accounting policy, ISDA documentation, reporting etc for undertaking forex derivatives in various forms of currency swaps and various types of interest rates swaps not specific ally prohibited by Reserve Bank of India with the corporate borrower customers, other banks and non-borrower customers to be covered on back to back basis Bank s policy also permits entering into Plain Vanilla European Style Option to Bank s customers for hedging pricing their forward exposures on back to back basis, or for hedging foreign currency exposures. iii Derivative contracts undertaken on back-to-back basis or for hedging own foreign currency exposure are recorded at the rate prevailing on the date of the contract and are reported at the closing rates at the Balance Sheet date The revenue in respect of these transactions is recognized for the proportionate period till the expiry of the contract In respect of contracts done on back to back basis, the revenue on early termination of the contract is recognized on termination. b Scope and nature of risk measurement, risk reporting and risk monitoring systems. The position of all outstanding swaps, new swaps entered, swaps exited, mar k to market value of swaps etc is being reviewed by the bank s investment committee and Board at monthly intervals Details of transactions undertaken in IRS are also reported to Reserve Bank of India on a fortnightly basis. c Policies for hedging and or mitigating risk and strategies and processes for monitoring the continuing effectiveness of hedges mitigates. Depending on the market opportunities a view on interest rate movement is taken and acted upon Though the settlement of swaps takes place on due date dates as per the terms of the swaps, the value monitoring is carried out daily to know the impact of market changes on Swap Book When unfavorable market movements are unidirectional, swaps are exited cutting loss Cut loss limits, exit powers, reviewing authority etc , are prescribed. d Accounting policy for recording the hedge and non - hedge transactions, recognition of income, premiums and discounts, valuation of outstanding contracts, provisioning, collateral and credit risk mitigat ion. Detailed accounting policy and valuation policy are approved by Board Transactions for hedging purposes are accounted for on accrual basis except the swap designated with an asset liability that is carried at lower of cost or market value In that case, the swap is marked to market, with the resultant gain or loss recorded as an adjustment to the market value of designated asset or liability On termination of swap, gain or loss is recognized when the offsetting gain or loss is recognized on the designated asset or liability Any gain or loss on the terminated swap was deferred and recognized over the shorter of the remaining contractual life of the swap or the remaining life of the asset liability. Trading transactions have to be marked to market with charges recorded in the income statement Income, expenditure, fee, gains or losses on termination of swaps are all recorded as immediate income or expenses.1 4 6 FLOATING AND ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS. a Floating Provision of Rs 13 00 crore R s 13 00 crore is held as at 31 03 2017 in respect of gross non performing advances over and above the minimum prescribed as per guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India with a view to strengthening the financial position of the Bank. b The above floating provision is netted off from advances.1 7 5 Unsecured advances The amount of advances, for which intangible securities, such as charge over the rights, licenses etc have been taken as security is NIL NIL and the said advances have been classified as unsecured forming part of Unsecured advances in Schedule 9 Item II-C Such advances constitute NIL NIL of total unsecured advances.1 9 Penalties imposed by Reserve Bank of India. Monetary Penalty to the tune of Rs NIL Crore Rs 0 10 crore has been imposed by Reserve Bank of India under Section 46 4 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.2 Disclosures requirements as per Accounting Standards AS issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India where RBI has issued guidelines in respect of disclosure items.2 1 Accounting Standard 5 Net profit or loss for the period, prior period items and changes in accounting policies. There is no material prior period item included in Profit and Loss account which is required to be disclosed as per the Accounting Standard issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India read with guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India.2 2 Accounting Standard 9 Revenue Recognition. As mentioned in Accounting Policy 2 of Schedule 17 certain items are accounted on cash basis on account of statutory regulatory requirements and materiality.2 3 ACCOUNTING STANDARD 15 Employee Benefits. Bank has adopted Accounting Standard 15 Revised issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India with effect from 01 04 2007.Bank pays gratuity to employees who retire resign from Bank s service as per rules The Bank makes contributions to the Trust, towards funding this gratuity, payable every year In accordance with the gratuity fund s rules, actuarial va luation of gratuity is done every year Actuarial valuation of gratuity liability is calculated based on certain assumptions regarding discount rate, salary growth, mortality and staff attrition as per the projected unit credit actuarial method. The gratuity payable to the employees is worked out by way of two methodologies i e as per the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 and other as per service rules and the employee will be entitled to get most beneficial amount. Bank pays pension under a defined benefit plan covering the employees who have opted for pension and also to the employees joining the bank s service on or after 29 09 1995 but before plan provides for a pension on a monthly basis to these employees on their cessation from the bank s service as provided for in Andhra Bank Employee Pension Regulations Pension Fund is managed by Andhra Bank Employees Pension Fund Trust. Employees who joined on or after 01 04 2010 are entitled to Defined Contributory Pension scheme where under the sch eme, employee will contribute 10 of pay and eligible allowance with equivalent contribution being made by the Bank and the same will be maintained as per the guidelines issued by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority from time to time.2 3 3 Provident Fund. Bank is statutorily required to maintain a provident fund as a part of its retirement benefits to the employees The fund is administered by a trust Each employee contributes 10 of their basic salary and eligible allowances and Bank contributes an equal amount to the fund in respect of non-pension optees The investment of the fund is made according to the investment pattern prescribed by Government of India.2 3 4 Leave Encashment. An employee is entitled to encash privilege leave standing to his her credit subject to a maximum of 240 days on the date of superannuation Voluntary Retirement death and on resignation encashment of privilege leave will be restricted to the tune of 50 of privilege leave standing to the credit of the employee subject to a maximum of 120 days. Actuarial valuation of leave encashment liability is done every year and accordingly, Bank is contributing to the fund.2 3 5 The summarized position of post-employment benefits and long term employee benefits recognized in the Profit.- Government Securities in excess of minimum SLR requirement.- Government securities within the mandatory SLR requirement to the extent allowed by RBI under MSF 2 of NDTL.- Marketable securities representing claims on or guaranteed by Public Sector Entities, Corporate Bonds, Commercial Papers, Equity shares Assets classified as Level 2A and 2B Assets are subject to hair-cuts adjustments as per RBI guidelines. c Liquidity Coverage Ratio Ratio as on 31 01 2017.28 02 2017 and 31 03 2017 stood at 67 94 , 78 47 and 77 35 respectively against regulatory requirement of minimum of 60 w e f 01 01 2017 The Average LCR for the quarter ending 31st March, 2017 for the months of January, Februaryand March, 2017 is 74 46.3 20 During the year, Bank has revalued 74 premises owned by it having original cost of Rs 115 35 crore The revaluation has been done on the basis of the value determined by the approved valuer in the months of Feb March 2017 and resultant net appreciation of Rs 712 88 crore with increase in original cost of the assets by Rs 1587 90crore and accumulated depreciation by Rs 875 02 crore has been credited to Revaluation Reserve As assets have been revalued at year end only, accordingly no depreciation has been provided on the revalued amount. Revaluation reserve included in Tier II capital of the Bank has increased the regulatory capital to the extent of Rs 320 79 crore.3 21 Previous year figures have regrouped reclassified rearranged wherever necessary to conform to current year s figures Figures in the brackets indicate figures of previous year. Investment includes Rs 2 60 Rs 2 60 Crore invested in Regional Rural Bank as Share Capital share capital deposit. Includes the following. a Investments in 162 162 shares class B of Master card Inc valued at Rs 1 Rs 1.b Investments in 8 8 shares of SWIFT valued at Rs 1 Rs 1.c Investment in 8000000 7750000 shares of Malaysian ringgit 10 each amounting Rs 138 72 crore Rs 133 77 crore in India International Bank Malaysia BHD. Shares of Master Card Inc are allotted in kind, free of cost, as an incentive in view of the past business relation with these entities. Shares of SWIFT include shares allotted in initial membership and shares accrued on re-allocation The reallocation of share is based on bank s utilization of SWIFT s network based financial services. a During the year, the Bank in terms of RBI Circular No 41 21 04 141 2017-14 dated 23 08 2017, has shifted Central State Government securities aggregating Rs 8164 59 crore Rs 41 38 crore from Available for Sale AFS category Held for Trading HFT category to Held to Maturity HTM Category at lower of acquisition cost book value market value and booked a sh ifting loss of Rs 69 08 crore Rs 0 80 Crore to Profit and Loss Account The Bank also shifted Central State Government Securities aggregating to Rs 5189 36 crore Rs 0 00 crore from Held to Maturity HTM category to Available for Sale AFS category and investment of Rs 22 78 crore Rs 7 25 crore in Venture Capital funds from Held to Maturity HTM category to Available for Sale AFS category and provided an aggregate depreciation of Rs 0 76 Crore Rs 0 14 Crore. b The Bank has earned gross amount of Rs 0 35 crore Rs 24 94 crore as Profit on sale of securities in HTM category out of which an amount of Rs 0 18 crore R 12 64 crore , net of tax and amount required to be transferred to Statutory Reserve, has been appropriated to Capital Reserve account as per RBI guidelines. out of Rs 12 64 crore an amount of Rs 2 crore transferred during the year.1 2 Disclosures on risk exposure in derivatives. A Qualitative Disclosures. a Structure and Organization for Management of risk in derivatives trading. i In terms of Reserve Bank of India guidelines on Interest Rate Swaps IRS and Forward Rate Agreements FRA the Bank has approved policies and procedures, counter party exposure limits, delegation of powers, accounting policy, policy for valuation, ISDA documentation, cut loss, reporting etc for Interest Rate Swaps and fixed a cap of Rs 1500 crore for interest rate swaps sub-limit of Rs 500 crore for Trading has conducted the derivative operations within the overall framework of these guidelines. ii The Bank has approved policies and procedures, counter party exposure limits, delegation of powers, accounting policy, ISDA documentation, reporting etc for undertaking forex derivatives in various forms of currency swaps various types of interest rates swaps not specificall y prohibited by Reserve Bank of India with the corporate borrower customers, other banks and non-borrower customers to be covered on back to back basis Bank s policy also permits entering into Plain Vanilla European Style Option to Bank s customers for hedging pricing their forward exposures on back to back basis, or for hedging foreign currency exposures. iii Derivative contracts undertaken on back-to-back basis or for hedging own foreign currency exposure are recorded at the rate prevailing on the date of the contract and are reported at the closing rates at the Balance Sheet date The revenue in respect of these transactions is recognized for the proportionate period till the expiry of the contract In respect of contracts done on back to back basis, the revenue on early termination of the contract is recognized on termination. b Scope and nature of risk measurement, risk reporting and risk monitoring systems. The position of all outstanding swaps, new swaps entered, swaps exited, mark t o market value of swaps etc is being reviewed by the bank s investment committee and Board at monthly intervals Details of transactions undertaken in IRS are also reported to Reserve Bank of India on a fortnightly basis. c Policies for hedging and or mitigating and strategies and processes for monitoring the continuing effectiveness of hedges mitigates. Depending on the market opportunities a view on interest rate movement is taken and acted upon Though the settlement of swaps takes place on due date dates as per the terms of the swaps, the value monitoring is carried out daily to know the impact of market changes on Swap Book When unfavourable market movements are unidirectional, swaps are exited cutting loss Cut loss limits, exit powers, reviewing authority etc , are prescribed. d Accounting policy for recording the hedge and non - hedge transactions, recognition of income, premiums and discounts, valuation of outstanding contracts, provisioning, collateral and credit risk mitigation. Det ailed accounting policy and valuation policy are approved by Board Transactions for hedging purposes are accounted for on accrual basis except the swap designated with an asset liability that is carried at lower of cost or market value In that case, the swap is marked to market, with the resultant gain or loss recorded as an adjustment to the market value of designated asset or liability On termination of swap, gain or loss is recognized when the offsetting gain or loss is recognized on the designated asset or liability Any gain or loss on the terminated swap was deferred and recognized over the shorter of the remaining contractual life of the swap or the remaining life of the asset liability. Trading transactions have to be marked to market with charges recorded in the income statement Income, expenditure, fee, gains or losses on termination of swaps are all recorded as immediate income or expenses.1 3 FLOATING AND ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS. a Floating Provision of Rs 26 00 crore Rs 38 06 c rore , is held as at 31 03 2017 in respect of gross non performing advances over and above the minimum prescribed as per RBI guidelines with a view to strengthening the financial position of the Bank. b The above floating provision is netted off from advances.1 4 The amount of advances, for which intangible securities, such as charge over the rights, licenses etc have been taken as security is Rs NIL cr Rs NIL cr and the said advances have been classified as unsecured forming part of Unsecured advances in Schedule Item II-C Such advances constitute NIL NIL of total unsecured advances.1 5 Penalties imposed by Reserve Bank of India. Monetary Penalty to the tune of Rs 2 50 Crore previous year NIL has been imposed by Reserve Bank of India under Section 46 4 of the Banking Regulation Act 1949 for deviation in implementation of KYC-AML guidelines in the bank.2 Disclosures in terms of Accounting Standards AS issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.2 1 Accounting Standard 5 Sta tement of Profit or loss for the period, prior period items. There is no material prior period item included in Profit and Loss account which is required to be disclosed as per the Accounting Standard issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India read with guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India.2 2 Accounting Standard 9 Revenue Recognition. As mentioned in Accounting Policy 2 of Schedule 17 certain items are accounted on cash basis on account of statutory regulatory requirements and materiality.2 3 ACCOUNTING STANDARD 15 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. Bank has adopted Accounting Standard 15 Revised issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India with effect from 01 04 2007.Bank pays gratuity to employees who retire resign from Bank s service as per rules The Bank makes contributions to the Trust, towards funding this gratuity, payable every year In accordance with the gratuity fund s rules, actuarial valuation of gratuity is done every year Actuarial valuation of gratuity li ability is calculated based on certain assumptions regarding discount rate, salary growth, mortality and staff attrition as per the projected unit credit actuarial method The gratuity payable to the employees is worked out by way of two methodologies i e as per the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 and other as per service rules and the employee will be entitled to get most beneficial amount. Bank pays pension under a defined Benefit plan covering the employees who have opted for pension and also to the employees joining the bank s service on or after 29 09 1995 but before plan provides for a pension on a monthly basis to these employees on their cessation from the bank s service as provided for in Andhra Bank Employee Pension Regulations Pension Fund is managed by Andhra Bank Employees Pension Fund Trust Employees who joined on after 01 04 2010 are entitled to Defined Contributory Pension scheme where under the employee will contribute 10 of pay and eligible allowance with equivalent contr ibution being made by the Bank and the same will be maintained as per the guidelines issued by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority.2 3 3 Provident Fund. Bank is statutorily required to maintain a provident fund as a part of its retirement benefits to the employees The fund is administered by a trust Each employee contributes 10 of their basic salary and eligible allowances and Bank contributes an equal amount to the fund in respect of non-pensionoptees The investment of the fund is made according to the investment pattern prescribed by Government of India.2 3 4 Leave Encashment. An employee is entitled to encash privilege leave standing to his her credit subject to a maximum of 240 days on the date of superannuation Voluntary Retirement death and on resignation encashment of privilege leave will be restricted to the tune of 50 of privilege leave standing to the credit of the employee subject to a maximum of 120 days Actuarial valuation of leave encashment liability is d one every year and accordingly, Bank is contributing to the trust fund.2 3 5 The summarized position of post-employment benefits and long term employee benefits recognized in the Profit Loss Account and Balance Sheet as required in accordance with Accounting Standard 15 Revised issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India are as under. g The financial assumptions considered for the calculations are as under. Discount Rate - The discount rate has been chosen by reference to market yield on government bonds as on the date of reporting. Expected Rate of Return In case of pension, the expected rate of return is taken on the basis of yield on government bonds In case of gratuity and leave encashment the actual return has been taken. Salary Increase On the basis of past data. i Short term employees benefits. Short term Compensated Absences Rs 1 04 crore. j Contribution to Provident Fund Rs 0 26 crore.2 3 6 Prudential Regulatory treatment reopening of Pension option and enhancement of gratuity. During the year 2010-11, the Bank opted for amortization of additional liability arising on account of exercise of second pension option by the employees and revision of gratuity limit from Rs 3 50 lacs to Rs 10 lacs as per the Payment of Gratuity Act over a period of five years pursuant to permission given by Reserve Bank of India vide its circular no dated 09th of February, 2011 Out of the aggregate carried forward amount of Rs 253 33 cr as on 31st March, 2017 an amount of Rs 93 66 cr, being 1 5th of the additional pension liability and Rs 33 cr, being 1 5th of additional liability on account of gratuity has been charged off to the Profit and Loss Account for the current year and balance amount of Rs 93 67 cr and Rs 33 00 cr has been carried forward.2 3 7 Provision of Rs 99 75 crore previous year Rs 50 cr has been made towards wage revision arre ars effective from 1st November, 2017 pending wage negotiation.3 SEGMENT REPORTING AS 17 Compiled by the management and relied upon by the auditors. Note on Segment Results i As per guidelines of RBI on compliance with Accounting Standards AS-17, Bank has adopted Treasury Operations. Corporate Wholesale Banking , Retail Banking and Other Banking Operations as Primary business segments and. Domestic Segment as secondary geographic segment ii Segment revenue represents revenue from external customers iii Results of various segments are arrived at in the proportion of revenue of respective segments. The Bank does not have any branches outside India, the only reportable Geographical segment is of domestic operations, and hence no separate disclosure is made.4 RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES AS 18.Names of the Related Parties and their relationship with the Bank. a The Bank has identified the following persons to be the Key Management Personnel as per the Accounting Standard. i Shri C VR Rajendran, Chairman and Managing Director From 11-12-2017.ii Shri B A Prabhakar, Chairman and Managing Director upto 31-08-2017.iii Shri K K Misra, Executive Director. iv Shri S K Kalra, Executive Director. Andhra Bank Financial Services Ltd. Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank. d Joint Ventures. i India First Life Insurance Company Ltd. ii India International Bank Malaysia Bhd iii ASREC India P Ltd.5 1 In accordance with RBI circular no BC 77 21 04 018 2017-14 dated 20th December, 2017, the Bank has created Deferred Tax liability of Rs 263 42 cr on Special Reserve as at 31st March 2017 under Section 36 1 viii of the Income tax Act, 1961, by debiting Revenue Reserves.5 2 Provision for Deferred Tax liability DTL on deduction claimed under Section 36 1 viii of the Income tax Act, 1961 has also been made amounting to Rs 66 28 cr during the financial year 2017-14.6 Discontinuing operations AS-24.During the financial year 2017-14, the bank has not discontinued the operations of any of its branches, which resulted in shedding of liability and realization of the assets and no decision to discontinue an operation which will have the above effect has been finalized.7 Impairment of Assets AS 28.The indications listed in paragraphs 8 to 10 of Accounting Standard 28 Impairm ent of Assets issued by the ICAI have been examined and on such examination, it has been found that none of the indications are present in the case of the bank A formal estimate of the recoverable amount has not been made, as there is no indication of a potential impairment loss.8 PROVISIONS, CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND CONTINGENT ASSETS AS 29.Contingent liabilities mentioned in Schedule 12 are dependent upon the outcome of Court arbitration out of Court settlements, disposal of appeals, the amount being called up, terms of contractual obligations, devolvement and raising of demand by concerned parties as the case may be Movement of provisions for liabilities excluding provision for others. The total complaints received during the year include 80510 number of complaints for ATM, 65 for Credit Card 2834 for RTGS NEFT, 54 for Pension, 1901 for SMS upset, 411 for Banking Ombudsman and 1417 General complaints The number of good faith charge backs, i e complaints received after 120 days, rais ed on other Banks stood at 333 as on 31-03-2017 amounting to Rs 0 15 cr.9 Disclosure of Letters of Comfort LoC issued by the Bank. During the year ended 31 03 2017, 1040 1089 Letters of Comfort Letter of Undertaking have been issued by the bank amounting to Rs 4140 78 cr Rs 3804 17 cr The Letters of Comfort outstanding as on 31 03 2017 are amounting to Rs 1968 22 cr Rs 2358 57 cr. Letter of Comfort on behalf of Joint Venture. The Bank has formed a joint venture Bank in Malaysia with joint venture partnership of Bank of Baroda and Indian Overseas Bank on 13 08 2010 in the name of INDIA INTERNATIONAL BANK MALAYSIA BHD Andhra Bank s share of joint venture is 25 and 40 by Bank of Baroda and 35 from Indian Overseas Bank. Reserve Bank of India and Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Financial Services have accorded approvals for the Bank for infusing capital funds equivalent to Malaysian Ringgit 80 00 Mio being 25 of total paid up capital of Malaysian Ringgit 320 Mio For the purpose of fulfilment of capital requirements of its joint venture India International Bank Malaysia Bhd Andhra Bank has issued a Letter of Undertaking and a Letter of Comfort on 05 08 2010 favouring Bank Negara Malaysia The financial impact on such LOC LOU is limited to the extent of Andhra Bank s share of capital contribution As on 31 03 2017, Andhra Bank s contribution to equity capital of India International Bank Malaysia BHD is Malaysian Ringgit 80 00 Mio representing 80,00,000 fully paid equity shares of Malaysian Ringgit 10 per share The rupee equivalent of such capital contribution is included under the head Investments in Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures by the Bank. Thus, the Bank has fully remitted Malaysian Ringgit 80 00 Mio under the Letter of Comfort issued, towards its share in the paid up capital of Malaysian Ringgit 320 00 Mio.10 Banc assurance business. The Bank has received Rs 5 61 cr Rs 6 43 cr as fee from Banc assurance - Life and Rs 7 22 cr Rs 5 46 cr as fee from Ban c assurance - Non Life.10 1 Concentration of Deposits, Advances, Exposures and NPAs.10 2 Reconciliation of Inter Branch and Inter Bank transactions have been done up to 31st March 2017.10 3 Provision for Income Tax has been made on the basis of the applicable laws and various judicial pronouncements available In view of judicial pronouncements in similar cases, no additional provision is considered necessary towards disputed tax demands of Rs 522 13 crore Rs 656 65 cr up to assessment year 2011-12 for which assessments are completed appealed Amounts paid by the bank adjusted by the department on account of the said disputed tax demands have been included in tax paid in advance tax deducted at source item III of Schedule 11 - Other Assets.10 4 The Bank has been claiming deduction under Section 36 1 viii of the Income tax Act, 1961 in respect of the profits derived out of eligible business as specified in the said section and has accordingly transferred a sum of Rs 195 cr previous year R s 310 Cr to the corresponding Special Reserve account maintained under the said section and the same is shown under Item V of Schedule -2 Reserves and Surplus.10 5 Credit Default Swaps. The Bank has not entered into Credit Default Swaps during the current Financial Year previous year NIL.10 6 Previous year figures have been regrouped reclassified rearranged wherever necessary to conform to current year s figures Figures in the brackets indicate figures of previous year.

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